True story of underground politics from a town that shall not be named.
“Jeff” bought his house from the Chief of Police. He and his wife and baby hadn’t been living there too long before, on a hot summer day, nothing but air spurted from all the faucets. The well had rung dry.
Jeff called the Chief, who said, “Don’t worry, you’ll have water before morning.” Jeff, a city boy, thought: Oh, the well will recharge itself overnight.
The little family was awakened at 6:00 a.m. next morning by the racket of a tanker fire truck. And there was the Fire Chief, hose down the well, filling it up. He looked grumpy and he was. He told Jeff, “This is the last time I’m putting water in that well. You ain’t the Chief and I ain’t gonna be messing with newcomers.”
Jeff, naive, told the story around town. He thought it was kinda funny. He wasn’t laughing though when his application for a variance was rejected by the board of adjustment. Seems the head of the board of adjustment was the Police Chief’s brother.
Moral: Some stories you tell. Some you sit on.