My friend Cindy, a very funny woman, mailed in a Dog License Application to her town hall. Listed on the form: Her name, her dog’s name (Stanley), breed, phone number, rabies expiration date, etc. She was to check one of several categories to determined the appropriate fee.
Unaltered Male/Female Dog $9.00
Neutered/Spayed Dog $6.50
Senior Citizen (1st Dog Only) $2.00
Puppy (up to Seven Months) $7.50.
Cindy checked Senior Citizen and added a note (13 years old). Sent in her $2.00.
Michelle, at the town office, sent a note back:
Hi Cindy:
The Senior Citizen category is actually for the owner, not the pet. :) Next year your fee should be $6.50.
Who says everybody at town hall’s a stickler!
Speaking of understandable mistakes, Martha Rebello sent in this story called “Who’s Driving?”
One day I went to pick up my 12- and 9-year-old granddaughters to bring to our house overnight. Usually my husband goes with me. Not this day. After telling the girls to get their things into the car and locking up their house, I proceeded to come down the stairs , car keys in hand, and climb into the passanger seat.
After a few seconds, the girls said, “Grammie, you’re driving!”
Even though I requested that they not say a word to Grampy, the 9-year-old couldn’t wait to blurt out, “Guess what Grammie did.”
We all make understandable mistakes. My daughter will happily tell you about the time I tried to make a phone call with the TV remote -- or was it change the channel with the phone?