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  • Islandport Press is a dynamic, award-winning publisher dedicated to stories rooted in the essence and sensibilities of New England. We strive to capture and explore the grit, heart, beauty, and infectious spirit of the region by telling tales that can be appreciated by readers, dreamers, and adventurers everywhere.

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February 16, 2009


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Bee yee shore that an't the Woodford cops yee bee a jawboning a mite bit about.See yee are a heading over to Goshen far from the ocean. You know that town was created sort of like god made eve out of another living thing or in this case a anothrer town. probably just as well the town the land was t5aken from could not decide what it name was or how to spell it. The town it came from was Wendell, which evidently did mot like its own name and the tail piece removed became Goshen. GREAT LANDS TO GOSHEN NOT BY THE OCEAN. Over at Wendell things were brewing and the town became saville. strange to think the tavern was the only publick house in town before the summer hotels came in. It had a large hall for town meeting and assemblies on the rear. No town house existed for a long time, wonder if the town meeting location might have caused a bit of the problems. so the place became Saville. However, That name did not please folks and Sunapee, Sunapy, sunapee, sunipei, before lighting on the current spelling. Sunapee folks can not remain mad at Goshen folk without bein mad at new london folk for while lands to the south went new london got lands to the swest. FAIR WARNING BEST KNOW ABOUT RUEL DUNKEE, his 37 year reign of power, the circus tickets and the Boston and Maine RR. y

rebecca Rule

Art Ridgewood:
You are a font of knowledge. :):) :) Reminds me of the town of Mont Vernon, don't dare call it Mount, though -- I believe the story goes -- one of those Publick House keepers named his inn the Mount Vernon Inn, or something like, and tried to get the town to go along. They wouldn't. Hope somebody from Mont Vernon will write in and straight me out on that. A little vague.
Windy day, Art, best stay indoors on the Ridge or you'll blow clear to Barrington.

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About this blog

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    Rebecca Rule, author of Live Free and Eat Pie: A Storyteller’s Guide to New Hampshire, spends a lot of time on the road, traveling to her performances throughout the Granite State and beyond. She loves her home state, meeting lots of great people and visiting both new and familiar places. She shares stories that she finds with her this blog. So please "join" her on the road and check back often.

About Becky

  • Becky has lived all her life (so far) in New Hampshire. She has written several other popular books set in her home state, including "The Best Revenge," a collection of short stories that was named one of the five Essential New Hampshire Books by New Hampshire Magazine, and "Could Have Been Worse: True Stories, Embellishments and Outright Lies." However, she is probably best known for her live storytelling events, many sponsored by the New Hampshire Humanities Council.

    Comments? Questions? Send e-mail to Becky Rule.