Our water’s been tasting funny, so I’ve been using filtered from the refrigerator. (It makes ice cubes, too, right in the door. Talk about fancy.) Instead of filling the tea kettle from the tap, I fill my tea mug (some might call it a pail), empty the water into the kettle and heat just enough for one dose. Which reminded me of something my friend Peg told me about a very frugal relative of hers. He always heated just a cup full for tea, or two for company. He also composted everything he could, including tea bags – except for the paper tag. He’d remove the tag, burn it in the wood stove, and compost the rest.
Which reminded me of a story my friend Arthur told of visiting a particularly frugal family in Barrington. Before they tossed the empty can of beans (this was in the days before recycling), they peeled the label. “Good for starting fires.” I do the same thing! And recycle the can for good measure.
The more things change, the more they don’t. My mother used to always save bacon grease in a can by the stove for frying stuff later. Price of olive oil and Crisco keeps going up, I’m going back to bacon grease. Might do it anyway, just for the taste. I know what you’re thinking: “Becky Rule, you eat bacon?”
Yes, I do. And I enjoy it.
I know what you’re thinking: “Becky Rule, think about the cholesterol. That bacon’s going to kill you.”
Looks like 2009 is shaping up to be a good year for frugality. Hey, us Yankees are on the cutting edge.
How do you show your Yankee frugality? Write a comment in the comment section or shoot me an e-mail at [email protected].
See you next year.