Charlie’s been enjoying this spring as much as I have. We’re both filled with energy. I’ve always wondered why folks don’t do spring cleaning in the winter when there’s nothing going on. But, you know, winter is a time for hibernating, and spring is all about getting things done. Charlie’s been working in the yard, clearing away blow down, and raking up the leaves that we got to sick of dealing with last fall. And last week, it was time to mow the lawn, a sure sign that summer is around the corner. Not surprisingly, he wrote a poem about it.
First Mow of the Season
First pull, mower started!
That, to me, is poetry
She charged like thunder through the grass
It likes that higher-octane gas
We did the normal back and forth
North to south, south to north
‘Til gas run out, I filled ‘er, then
She started up first pull again!
Once done, I thought perhaps I should
Scrape her under-carriage good
And sweep the clippings to the pile
Of compost where they’ll stew awhile
I rolled the beast back to the shed
Saw the hammock and went to bed
Earlier in the spring, Charlie made sure all our bird houses were in good working order. One needed some repair, so he took it down, and cleaned it out. He found a little dead bird in it in, which was sad. But it’s all spiffed up now and back on the tree. We have quite a few bird houses, and I’m happy to report they are all occupied. The humming bird feeder is up, too, and they’ve been buzzing around. Charlie loves all the birds in the yard. He likes to complain about the racket. I know better.
Dealing With Noisy Birds
I, of course, hear lots of birds
While I’m tending to my chores
But many of their so-called “songs”
Sound more, to me, like squeaky doors
Whose hinges have been left to dry
Squeak-a, squeak-a, squeak, oh Lordy!
I contend that most of them
Could use a shot of WD-40
That’s it for now. Catch you on the flip side!
IDA'S PODCAST: Poetry in Bloom
Coming up this week
May 18: Book Reading: Finding Your Inner Moose & The Sweet Life, Winslow Public Library, 6:00pm, Winslow, ME
Upcoming Shows and Book Events: Spring/Summer
May 27: Ida’s Havin’ a Yard Sale!, The Castle on Charles, 8:00pm, Rochester, NH
June 2 & 3: Ida: Woman Who Runs With the Moose, The Footlights Theatre, 7:30pm, Falmouth, ME
June 9: Book Reading: The Sweet Life, Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library Literary Luncheon, 11:30am, Boothbay Harbor, ME
July 8: Books in Boothbay: Maine’s Summer Book Fair, Boothbay Railway Village, 9:00am to 1:00pm, Boothbay, ME
July 15: The Best of Ida, Fundraiser for the Moose River Valley Historical Society,
7:00pm, Jackman, ME
July 18: Book Reading: The Sweet Life, Rangeley Public Library, 6:00pm, Rangeley, ME
August 5: Ida’s Havin’ a Yard Sale!, Deertrees Theatre, 7:30pm, Harrison, ME