Charlie wrote this poem after our first snow. I saved it to share now because this is how I feel about New Year’s Day.
Saved By the Bell
Remember in school, them happy days when
You were stuck in some class that just wouldn’t end?
Some stupid subject you had to learn
And after Teresa, it was your turn
To stand up and somehow pretend that you cared
Again you have managed to come unprepared
You’re startin’ to sweat, you’re gonna get hell
When ring-a-ding-ding! You’re saved by the bell
Into the fall, one of my biggest peeves
Is havin’ to deal with our acre of leaves
Oak leaves and maple, pine needles, too
Hours of work I don’t wanna do
Rakin’ and hauling ‘em off to the wood
And tidyin’ up so the place’ll look good
My wife likes to rib me, then she will scoff
How good I’ve become and putting it off
Now it’s December, the mess it remains
I’ve started, but can’t seem to make any gains
All that aside, imagine my glee
When I woke up this morning, and what did I see
But a blanket of snow over every thing
Leaves, you’ll just have to wait until spring
While I sing hallelujah! Isn’t it swell?
Ring-a-ding-ding! Saved by the bell!
From November to new years can be such a whirlwind. It’s a mishmash of urgency and obligation, adrenaline and exhaustion, and memories of Christmas past. It’s those memories, I think, along with the sequins and tinsel and glitter and lights that get me though.
‘Cause stuff happens. You may have it all organized and planned out, lists up the yin yang. Then, real life throws you a curve ball, and best laid plans, right? You just have to just go with it or you’ll drive yourself crazy.
And then before you know it, Christmas is here and done and then New Year’s. Blessed New Year’s Day! It don’t matter that you didn’t bake another batch of them cookies. That you didn’t have time to buy this or wrap that. You get to start fresh. It’s a clean slate, and you can write whatever you want on it.
What is your heart’s desire for 2018? Today is a great day to “set that intention” as my niece Caitlin would say.
I like to start the new year off with appreciating, and I appreciate you. I’m grateful to each and every one of you who take time out of your busy life to spend it with me, reading this blog, coming to performances and book readings, and writing me notes. I feel incredibly lucky in my life and you are part of that.
Wishing you the happiest of new years, everyone!
That’s it for now. Catch you on the flip side!
Upcoming Performances and Book Events Winter/Spring 2018
March 7: Book Reading, Cumston Public Library, 6:30pm, Monmouth, ME
March 10: Book Reading, South Portland Public Library, 2:00pm, South Portland, ME
March 27: A Visit With Ida, South Berwick Public Library 7:00pm, South Berwick, ME
March 29: A Visit With Ida, Gardiner Adult Education, 6:00pm, Gardiner, ME
April 10: Book Reading, Goodall Memorial Library, 6:30pm, Sanford, ME
May 1: Book Reading, Berwick Public Library, 6:00pm, Berwick, ME
Check out my full schedule here: