I thought I’d bring you up to date with my journey. In case you missed it, I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the beginning of December. For more on that, check out this blog. http://islandportpress.typepad.com/justaskida/2018/01/a-sleeping-problem-.html
It turned out, I only have to do 21 radiation treatments, so I’m already halfway through! I have to go the Cancer Free Center (as I call it) five days a week for my treatment. So door to door, we’re talking about an hour out of my day. Not too bad.
My biggest challenge so far is not pigging out on the Lindt balls they have in reception. I usually try to stay with the hard candy and Tootsie Roll midgees (which is a funny word), but some days, I hear those darn Lindt balls calling my name, and I can’t help but answer.
Everyone at the Center is so nice, and they have heated blankets. Plus, they give you a permanent robe if you’re being treated for breast cancer. They only had one left the day I got mine, but it was the one I would have picked. It’s just perfect! (Check out the photo.) There’s something about this robe that makes me feel better than if I had to wear those big hospital robes and a johnny. Little things like this make a huge difference. It even has its own carry bag in matching fabric. Gotta love it!
I’ve been moisturizing like crazy with stuff they recommended down to the Center, and things my niece, Caitlin, brought me from the Health Food Store. Covering my bases. First I apply aloe vera gel, then calendula cream, followed CeraVe moisturizing cream, and top it off with a few drops of Lavender oil mixed with hemp oil. I began with this regime once a day for the two weeks before I started treatment and three times a day since I began. So far it’s working out pretty good with only a slight burn.
My energy is okay. I’m fading earlier in the evening, and really need my naps. But the deal is I can’t tell if this is from the radiation or menopause. I’d been doing a light dose of hormone replacement therapy for years. It was that bio-identical stuff, and worked great. But I had to say bye-bye to all that when I was diagnosed and, honey, I miss my estrogen! So does Charlie, truth be told.
I’m having hot flashes for the first time ever, and I don’t recommend them. Actually, during the day, they’re tolerable, but at night they’re a pain in the you-know-what. Seems like every time I get up to pee (which is about every hour or two), I get a hot flash. And trying to cool down wakes me up enough to make getting back to sleep hard. When I do get back to sleep, the next time I wake up, I might be freezing because I’m half out of the covers.
But here’s one of the mysteries of life: how can the top half of me be sweating, and the bottom half be cold? Especially my feet. We need an electric blanket designed by menopausal women. Right now you can get one with dual controls, which has been a great marital aid for me and Charlie. But now, we’re in a different phase of our lives, and I need one that has quadrant controls. That way, I could have it low or even off on my top half, and up to toaster oven on my feet. Makes me happy just thinking about that!
My biggest take away so far (and I’m reminded of this every day down to the Center when I see how some folks are suffering), I’m struck by how lucky I am. And how cute my robe is!
That’s it for now. Catch you on the flip side!
IDA'S PODCAST: Halfway Through
Upcoming Performances and Book Events Winter/Spring 2018
March 7: Book Reading, Cumston Public Library, 6:30pm, Monmouth, ME
March 10: Book Reading, South Portland Public Library, http://southportlandlibrary.com/ 2:00pm, South Portland, ME
March 27: A Visit With Ida, South Berwick Public Library http://www.southberwicklibrary.org/ 7:00pm, South Berwick, ME
March 29: A Visit With Ida, Gardiner Adult Education, http://msad11.maineadulted.org/ 6:00pm, Gardiner, ME
March 30 & 31: I Married an Alien!, The Footlights Theatre, http://www.thefootlightsinfalmouth.com/, 7:30pm, Falmouth, ME
April 10: Book Reading, Goodall Memorial Library, http://lbgoodall.org/#&panel1-1 6:30pm, Sanford, ME
May 1: Book Reading, Berwick Public Library, https://www.berwick.lib.me.us/ 6:00pm, Berwick, ME
Check out my full schedule here: http://www.idaswebsite.com/schedule/
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