Is it a guy thing, or is it just my husband? Charlie, who is usually pretty level headed, can get so “busy” doing stuff that common sense flies out the window.
He’ll say to me, “Man, I’ve had a headache all day.”
“Did you take anything for it?”
“Why not?”
“Too busy.”
Yup. Stopping what he’s doing in the yard, coming inside, popping a couple of pills, then going back too work (which would take all of five minutes) is just too much multi-tasking for him. It’s ridiculous!
Then there was the incident last winter, after one of the big snow storms, I noticed it seemed to take Charlie forever to snow blow the driveway. A couple of hours later, he clomps back into the house. I’m making him some hot cocoa, because that’s what you do when your husband’s been out snow blowing. I says to him, “Is something wrong with the blower?”
“No, why?”
“Well, you kept stopping and disappearing into the shed.”
“Naw,” he says. “It’s my underwear.”
“Your underwear?”
“Elastic’s shot. Had to keep going in there to pull ‘em up.”
“Why didn’t you just come inside and change them?”
“I was all dressed. Take too long.”
Honest to God! It never ends. Happened again one day last week. We’re sitting there, eating supper when I says to Charlie, “How was your day?”
“Pretty good. Must have been groggy this morning though because I put my underwear on backwards.”
“Oh, I’ve done that before. Then you have to take ‘em off and put ‘em back on again.”
“Hmmm,” Charlie says in a noncommittal sort of way.
“Tell me you didn’t spend the whole day with your underwear on backwards.”
“Well, I didn’t notice until I went to the john for the first time. By then I was already at work.”
“Oh, come on! You must have had an inkling when you put ‘em on this morning.”
“Nope. Not until I was standing there, fishing around for the hole. Had to pull my pants down all day long to pee.”
“Well, maybe you’ll start a fashion trend, dear. And the good news is, now you have a hole out back for the farts to escape.”
“Good point.”
IDA'S PODCAST: Too Busy for Common Sense
Upcoming Performances and Book Events 2018
March 10: Book Reading, South Portland Public Library, 2:00pm, South Portland, ME
March 27: A Visit With Ida, South Berwick Public Library 7:00pm, South Berwick, ME
April 10: Book Reading, Goodall Memorial Library, 6:30pm, Sanford, ME
May 1: Book Reading, Berwick Public Library, 6:00pm, Berwick, ME
Check out my full schedule here:
That’s it for now. Catch you on the flip side. Susan Poulin