I hope you had a nice weekend, because mine was a friggin’ marathon of errand running and house cleaning with an evening of canasta, a bean supper and an ice cream social thrown in for good measure. You know what? I’m kinda looking forward to getting back to work today, to rest up!
Friday night, we went over to Nicole and Bobby Francoeur’s place to play canasta. They’re a nice couple, but as I’ve told you before, I’m not much for game playing. It just…I don’t know, I find it kind of boring. So I end up medicating myself with the nachos and peanut M&M’s, which, to be honest, leave me a little cranky. Still, they’d been asking us for ages, and we couldn’t keep making up excuses, so off we went. And folks, the evening was everything I dreamed it would be. Driving home, I says to Charlie, “Geez, Louise! We missed “Jeopardy” and “Wheel of Fortune” for that? Bugger!”
Saturday, I got up at 5:00am. I just couldn’t sleep, going over and over all the things I wanted to get done. I says to myself, Self, the early bird catches the dust bunny. To heck with thinking about it, just get up and do it. So, I did.
I ate a light breakfast and once Papa Bear was up, I cleaned the house good, then got organized for my errands. First stop, the Busy Bee to claim my reward for putting up with the canasta: one of Babe’s famous homemade cinnamon roles with maple icing. To die for! Then, off to Hair Affair for my weekly appointment with Patsy.
Hair coiffed, I’m ready to run errands, when I realize I’d left my list back home. I know! My thoughts exactly. So back to the house I go, and it wasn’t on the counter where I thought it would be. I look all round, the last place being my purse, and bingo: there it is, tucked down at the bottom. I’m thinking, How did I miss it when I came outta Patsy’s? Double bugger!
Then off to the A&P to pick up a few things, the post office for stamps, Rite Aid (I might as well live there), and Agway, to get some red geraniums for my pots. Red geraniums always remind me of my grandmother.
Where was Charlie in all this? Off to the antique car show down to Bouchard’s Farm, of course, with the boys. My husband has no problem accepting the weekend for what it is: time off. Anyways, he’s out of my hair for a few hours.
Back home, I put things away and go to plant the geraniums, when I discover that the potting soil I thought was there, wasn’t. Come on! Drive back to Agway via the Busy Bee for a chocolate frappe, you know, keep me fortified.
Took me longer to plant the flowers than I thought, so by the time Charlie gets home and I get cleaned up, we were running late for the bean supper down to the Congo Church. You know what that means: no peanut butter pie. It’s always the first thing to go. But I had did nab the last slice of homemade stawberry-rhubard. Claudia Peavey had her eye on it, too, but I was first and didn’t feel guilty about it either. Oh, was it ever tasty!
Swear to God, I think I was in bed by 9:00, and sawing logs the minute my head hit the pillow. Got up early Sunday morning, walked with Charlie and Scamp, cooked a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, and had time to reorganize my spice cabinet before mass. Really! When you can’t find paprika for the eggs, it’s time. Then to mass, home for a quick lunch (BLT’s with the leftover bacon), then back again to church to help set up the ice cream social, where I worked as a scooper all afternoon. And folks, it’s not as easy as it sounds, especially if half the containers are hard as a rock. On the way home, I says to Charlie, “Let’s stop and pick up a couple of Italian sandwiches, BBQ chips and Needhams for supper, because I don’t have anything left. Put a fork in me, I’m done!”
So basically, I not only fell off the “I’m not going to over commit myself” band wagon, I was run over by it. But today’s a new day. The house is clean, geraniums planted and my spice rack’s in order. I’m ready to regroup, cut myself some slack and just say no, Nancy!
That’s it for now. Catch you on the flip side!
IDA'S PODCAST: One Nice Lazy Weekend
Upcoming Shows and Book Events: Spring/Summer
July 8: Books in Boothbay: Maine’s Summer Book Fair, Boothbay Railway Village, 9:00am to 1:00pm, Boothbay, ME
July 15: The Best of Ida, Fundraiser for the Moose River Valley Historical Society, https://www.sites.google.com/site/jackmanmooserivermuseum/
7:00pm, Jackman, ME
July 18: Book Reading: The Sweet Life, Rangeley Public Library, http://rangeleylibrary.org/ 6:00pm, Rangeley, ME
August 5: Ida’s Havin’ a Yard Sale!, Deertrees Theatre, http://www.deertrees-theatre.org/ 7:30pm, Harrison, ME