Have you ever met someone new, or maybe reconnected with an old friend, and you think, "Wow, she's the nicest person?" I mean, you really like this person, and really connect with her. So you become Facebook friends, and oops, now you have to deal with her politics! I mean, the two of you couldn’t be more different. Oil and water. Not only that, she feels compelled to post the most nasty, mean spirited, in your face stuff on a daily basis. Stuff you have to skim over, ‘cause it’s just so upsetting.
It doesn’t have to be on Facebook, either. You could be going to a bean supper or a party. You park your car near a truck that’s plastered with bumper stickers, like Charlie and me did last Saturday night.
“My God,” I says, “Would you get a load of those bumper stickers? That sort of trash talk should be against the law!”
“Ida, some folks wear stupid like a badge of honor.”
“I know, and they’re too stupid to realize it. I hope I don’t get stuck talking to that moron!”
So you go inside, and by and by you meet the sweetest couple. You have a great conversation. Then you happen to be walking out to your car and low and behold, they’re right ahead of you. And oh my God, they get into the truck! You know, the one with the bumper stickers. As you watch the truck drive away, you feel kind of stunned. How could you have misjudged their character so?
“Darn it! They seemed like such a nice couple, too, didn’t they Charlie?”
“They were nice. Kind folks who’d give you the shirt off their back if you were in trouble.”
For cryin’ in your chowdah! I don’t know what to do with this information! It’s just so confusing!”
When we get home, I empty my pockets and find the little scrap of paper on it with the couples name and number. Now, I’m really torn. Throwing it away seems kind of cold, but then there’s the bumper stickers. I have no answers here, folks, I’m just hoping I’m not alone on this.
Me, I personally don’t share political stuff on Facebook. I might “like” something I agree with, but I don’t feel compelled to share it with my “friends,” ‘cause I know some of them don’t believe the same things I do. And I’m fine with that. But I don’t go in for this mean-spirited stuff. I don’t care what side of the fence it’s coming from. We don’t need any more of that kind of finger pointing and mud slinging in this world. Congress has got that covered! Maybe if them fine folks in Washington could all just all sit down at a bean supper together, and get to know the people behind the politics, they might be able to cut each other some slack, and have an actual conversation. You know, maybe get somethin’ done for a change! A gal can dream, can’t she?
Still, we live in the information age, and I sometimes think it’s more information than we know what to do with. Like, what am I going to do with that piece of paper with the couple’s phone number on it? Sigh.
I’m comforted by my belief that at their core, most people really are nice and would gladly pitch in to help you in a crisis. I’m also comforted by the fact that every time Charlie and me go to the polls to cast our ballot, we’ll be canceling out that other couple’s vote.
That’s it for now. Catch you on the flip side!
IDA's PODCAST: Confused in Mahoosuc Mills
Coming up this week: February 25 Book Reading, West Buxton Public Library, 6:00 p.m., West Buxton, ME
Upcoming Shows and Book Events:
March 4 Book Reading, D.A. Hurd Library, 6:30 p.m., North Berwick, ME
March 19 Book Reading, Stockton Springs Community Library, 6:30 p.m., Stockton Springs, ME
March 28 & 30 The Best of Ida, The Footlights, Friday at 7:30 p.m., Sunday at 2:00 p.m.
For details, please check out the schedule page on my website: http://www.idaswebsite.com/schedule